Beth is honored to have received the support of so many impactful community organizations, and extends her heartfelt gratitude to these passionate leaders. Their support is a powerful affirmation of our shared values and vision for the future. With these endorsements, we are more confident than ever in our ability to make a meaningful impact and drive positive change in Ohio. Thank you to these groups for standing with us on this important journey!
American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations
The AFL-CIO strives to ensure all working people are treated fairly, with decent paychecks and benefits, safe jobs, dignity, and equal opportunities
U.S. Senator Sherrod Borwn Canary Candidate
“Dr. Beth Liston is a leader who will fight for working families in the Ohio Senate. She understands that the Dignity of Work is not just a slogan, it's how we govern – that's why I'm proud to endorse Beth Liston for Ohio Senate 16."
- Senator Brown
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio campaigns for candidates who advocate for accessible reproductive healthcare, protect access to abortion, support LGBTQ+ rights, and work for the equity of all Ohioans and their families.
Nurses For America
Nurses For America support candidates who have shown a commitment to comprehensive reproductive health services, LGBTQ+ rights, gender-affirming care, affordable access to health care, disability rights, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, protecting the environment, gun safety, voting rights, public broadcasting, and funding for nursing education.
Columbus Firefighters Local 67
Columbus Fire Fighters Union IAFF Local 67 is the largest IAFF affiliate in the State of Ohio. Local 67 represents more than 1,700 uniformed men and women who bravely serve and sacrifice for the citizens they protect every day. Columbus Fire Fighters are and have been national leaders in firefighting, EMS, technical rescue, HAZMAT and Urban Search and Rescue Operations.
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees
AFSCME advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and prosperity and opportunity for all working families.
Gun Sense Candidate
The Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction is a program meant to signal to our ten million supporters, volunteers, and gun safety voters across the country that, if elected, a candidate will govern with gun safety in mind. Those awarded the distinction have demonstrated that they will support stronger gun laws and advocate for safer communities if elected into office.
Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund
The Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) Action Fund endorses candidates and ballot initiatives that represent the environmental values of Ohio communities. Our endorsements have a record of taking action to ensure safe air, clean water, and protection of Ohio's great outdoors.
Ohio Civil Service Employees Association
The Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA), affiliated with AFSCME, represents approximately 30,000 public employees in Ohio. The union advocates for job security, fair wages, benefits, and respect for public employees, ensuring they can effectively serve their communities.
Ohio Education Association
OEA represents approximately 120,000 teachers, faculty members and support professionals who work in Ohio’s schools, colleges, and universities to help improve public education and the lives of Ohio’s children.
Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council
The Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council provides essential coordination, representation and support to the work of 19 affiliated unions and district councils.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
BLET exists to promote and protect the rights, interests, and safety of its members through solidarity, aggressive representation, and education.
Communication Workers of America
CWA Local 4502 represents around 1,700 professional, technical and supervisory employees of the City of Columbus and is affiliated with Communications Workers of America.
Ohio Farm Bureau
The Friend of Agriculture designation recognizes Ohio General Assembly and U.S. congressional candidates for their views on issues of importance to agriculture, and for their alignment with Farm Bureau policy.
Matriots Ohio
Matriots identifies and endorses women candidates in Ohio who share their beliefs and principles, and who will work to achieve equality, influence, and power for all women in Ohio.
Ohio State Medical Association Political Action Committee
The Ohio State Medical Association Political Action Committee (OSMAPAC) fights for Ohio physicians by helping to elect state and federal candidates who have shown dedication to making positive changes to healthcare and working on behalf of the issues impacting Ohio physicians.
Ohio Federation of Teachers
The Ohio Federation of Teachers is a union of professionals representing 20,000 members in 55 locals across the state that include public school educators and support staff, higher education faculty and support staff, and public employees. OFT is the state affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers.
Ohio Nurses Association
The Ohio Nurses Association is a strong community of union and non-union registered nurses who are dedicated to protecting and advancing the profession and impacting healthcare in Ohio.
314 Action Fund
The 314 Action Fund works to to recruit, train, and elect scientists and other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) leaders to public office.
Ohio Conference of Teamsters
The Ohio Conference of Teamsters represents and advocates for the rights and interests of unionized workers across various industries in Ohio, providing support in areas such as labor negotiations, workplace conditions, and member benefits.