
As a pediatrician and professor of medicine, Beth sees first-hand, every day the problems in our health care system, and as State Representative, she has worked hard to provide all Ohioans with better health care.  Beth wrote legislation lowering the price of insulin and other perscription medications. She has led the fight against extreme anti-vaccine and anti-choice laws.

A graduate of Thomas Worthington, and a mother of two kids who attended Dublin schools, Beth knows first-hand how great our local schools are, and she is fighting to keep them that way.  She co-sponsored legislation that would increase funding for public schools and that would finally end the funding caps.  And she supported new programs that will keep our kids safe from drugs, bullying, and school violence.

Beth knows that wasteful spending and high taxes are bad for Ohio, and as State Representative, she has been a champion of fiscal responsibility. She voted against the crooked, billion-dollar bailout of FirstEnergy.  She has sponsored legislation to help address rising property taxes.  And she voted for an income tax cut that will help our working families and seniors make ends meet.